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Pittsburgh 3rd Oct 1792SirThis will be presented to you by Capt.Jonathan Cass, who has been reliev'd from his Command of Fort Franklin by Capt Hughes, &is now on his way to Philadelphia, with ordersto wait upon you, for Recruiting instructions & money to raise a complete company for the Second Sub Legion, he will have it in his power viva voceto give you such information respecting the dispositionof the Indians, & the numbers that have gone to meet the Hostile tribes, &ca also of the murder oftwo Seneca Indians by one of Mr Phelps's people.I shall not at present animadvert upon the views &conduct of the British -- or the cause of the sudden change inthe minds of Capt. Brant & the Six Nations - as -expressed in their letters, - any further, than that,it is my decided Opinion -- We shall not havea peace until the Savages are compeled to it, in the field unless you agree to such underline a line ? /underline, as shalltotally exclude you from the waters of the Lakes.& you'l find, strenuous advocates for such a boundary even in C------ss?
Open book
Letters and appointment 1792-1795
Letters and appointment 1792-1795
Wayne, Anthony, 1745-1796
Northwest, Old
Cherokee Indians
Indians of North America
Northwest, Old
Shawnee Indians
United States
Forms part of the Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library)
formerly known as Ayer MS 967.
formerly known as Ayer MS 968-969.
Three letters, 1792-1795, and one appointment, July 1, 1793, regarding Indian affairs in the Northwest Territory and preparations for war. To Secretary of War Knox on Oct. 3, 1792, Wayne comments that there will be no peace with the Indians unless the U.S. agrees to a boundary line excluding it from the Great Lakes region. On Sept. 4, 1793, Wayne excerpts a letter from Henry Knox to inform Charles Scott, major general of the Kentucky mounted militia, that while preparations for war were to proceed, there were to be no actions that would jeopardize the efforts of the peace commissioners. In the third letter, written Aug. 19, 1795, to Northwest Territory Governor Arthur St. Clair, Wayne reports that he has received a talk from the Cherokees in which they promised to refrain from attacks on U.S. citizens or their property and to return from north of the Ohio to their own nation. Wayne also notes that the depradations of a Shawnee war party would cease and that citizens of the frontier would now be able to live in peace unless their misconduct prevented it. The appointment lists officers selected to command the Kentucky mounted militia, including Charles Scott, and requests that troops be raised and made ready to march.
Biographical/Historical Note
Soldier of the Revolutionary War and early republic. In April, 1792, Wayne was appointed major-general in command of the American army in the Northwest Territory (Legion of the United States). He spent 1792 and 1793 first in Pittsburgh and later at Hobson's Choice and Fort Greenville, Ohio, organizing and training his forces for war against the Indians. When U.S. peace commissioners returned in late August, 1793, after having declined to meet with the Indians who demanded an Ohio River boundary with the U.S., Wayne was free to begin his successful military campaign, which culminated in the Battle of Fallen Timbers (1794) and the Treaty of Greenville (1795).
4 items (3 folders) ; 34 cm or smaller
Records and correspondence
Archival Collection Title
Edward E. Ayer Collection
Rights Status
No Copyright - United States
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The Newberry makes its collections available for any lawful purpose, commercial or non-commercial, without licensing or permission fees to the library, subject to
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Contributing Institution
Newberry Library
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Ayer MS 966
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