Welcome to our growing digital collections of manuscripts, maps, books, photographs, video, artwork, and other rare and unique materials from the Newberry Library.
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Carlos Colby papers, 1821-1937
Ben Hecht papers, 1879-1983
Chicago protest collection, early 21st c.
Winston & Williams NAACP papers, 1940s-1986
Theatre magazine, early 20th c.
Praize Productions, Inc., records, 2014-2024
Alcatraz-Indianland, 1971
Franco Novacco map collection, 16th-17th c.
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Letters & diaries
Books to 1800
Ayer Collection: American Indian & Indigenous peoples
Dill Pickle club records
Pullman Company records
Slim Brundage papers
Stopp collection of Fraktur birth certificates
Chicago protest collection
Graff Collection: U.S. Western expansion
Dance collections
Women's rights
How's your cursive?
71 years of powwows
Marveling at monsters
Newberry Transcribe
Seeing Race Before Race
Digital Collections for the Classroom
Postcard Tag
Mapping Movement
Midwest Time Machine
Chicago Ancestors
Atlas of Historical County Boundaries
Digital Collections
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