Letter Nashville, Tenn., to George W. Campbell, Washington City, 1809 Jan. 9
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John Norton papers, 1804-1816
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Rapport fait par Lemercier, député de la Charente-Inférieure, au nom d'une commmission spéciale, composée des représentans du peuple Bordas,...
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Register of viceregal orders issued between May 7, 1552 and December 2, 1553
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Deed and maps 1762-1774
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Legal documents ca. 1800-1807
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State of Georgia, by His Excellency George R. Gilmer, Governor and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of this State, and of the Militia thereof...
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Petition of the several subscribers : to his excellency William Tryon esquire, captain, general & governor in chief in & over the Province of...
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Letters and documents 1834-1851
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Extrait des registres du Conseil d'Estat 1702 Nov. 13
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Ramsay Crooks correspondence, 1822-1836
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Letter London, Eng., to Henry Stephenson, 1843 July 8
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Investiture de l'Ile d'Orleans donnee au procureur des concessionaires par le gouverneur general de la Nouvelle-France : Fort St. Louis, Quebec,...
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Orders additional instruction for our trusty and well beloved Robert Monckton Esqr., our Captain General and Governor in Chief of our Province of New...
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Know all men by these presents that I Nathan Saintjohn of Ridgefield ... for and upon consideration of five acres of land granted to me by ye...
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Plan du Fort des Yachoux, concession de Mgr. le duc de Belle Isle et associez, detruit 1729
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Plan du vieux Fort du Billoxi, 2 etablissement
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Concession des Chaouachas appartenante cy devant a Mgr. le duc de Belleisle et associez
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Fort St. Louis ou Nouveau Billoxy, 3eme etablissement
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Carte du Fort Rozalie des Natches francois avec ses dependances et village des sauvages
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A Plan of Carver's grant from the Nawdowissie Indians
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State of Georgia, by his excellency John Forsyth, Governor land grant, 1828 Jan. 15
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State of Georgia, by his excellency Wilson Lumpkin, Governor land grant, 1833 Mar. 13
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New Mexico land grant papers, 1813-1891
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Chauncey Whittelsey papers 1707-1852 [box 02]
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