Cherokee chiefs Techtama and Homwhyowa message to chief Wheunclowo, June 20, 1858
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John St. Clair letter to Governor Robert Hunter Morris, Philadelphia, February 14, 1755
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Report Philadelphia, to the Governor of Pennsylvania William Denny, 1757 Jan. 25
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Letter Boston, to the severall Governours of Conn., Pa., and R.I., 1709 Apr. 30
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Letter Williamsburg, Virga. to James Hamilton 1754 Jan. 29
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Letter Philadelphia, Pa., to William Shirley, 1755 Aug. 19
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The importance of attaching the Indian tribes to the British interest essay, ca. 1760
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A journal of the proceedings of Conrad Weiser on his journey to Ohio with a message & present from the government of Pensilvania to the Indians...
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An account of a visit lately made to the people called Quakers, in Philadelphia, by Papoonahoal, an Indian chief and several other Indians, chiefly...
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Letter Williamsburg Va., to Governor Robert Hunter Morris, 1755 Nov. 12
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Letter and order 1757 Apr. 15-1760 Feb. 18
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Letter Pittsburg to his excellency Thomas Mifflin Esqr., Governor of Pennsylvania, 1792 Aug. 3
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Letter Annapolis, Md., to Patrick Gordon, Philadelphia, Pa., 1732 May 7
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Letters 1704-1729
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Letters New York State, to Gov. William Denny, 1757 Jan. 1 - 1758 Jan. 21
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Letter Pittsburgh, Pa., to Thomas Mifflin, Philadelphia, Pa., 1791 Apr. 14
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Letter Philadelphia, to Coll. Francis Nicholson and Coll. Samuel Vetch, 1709 June 17
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Letter Philadelphia, Pa., to Sir William Johnson, 1765 May 23
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Report Philadelphia, to the Governor of Pennsylvania Robert H. Morris, 1756 June 14
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