Journal of the commissioners of the United States appointed to hold conferences with the several nations of Indians south of the Ohio
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James Harlan letter to Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War, Washington, D.C., September 11, 1865
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Jacob Thompson letter to Riggs & Co., Washington, D.C., July 9, 1857
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Letter Washington, D.C., to David Brydie Mitchell, Creek Agency, Ga., 1818 Mar. 21
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Message Charleston, S.C., to Mr. Speaker and gentlemen of the House of Representatives, 1786 Feb. 9
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Book relative to Indian affairs journals to treaties, 1791-1794
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Treaty with the Pen-e-tegh-ca Band of the Nē-ūm, Wich-i-tas, Ca-do-Ha-da-chos, Hue-cos, etc. ... Albert Pike, Commissioner of the Confederate States...
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Letters Eggharbour and Princeton N.J., to Eleazer Wheelock, 1767 June 23 - 1774 Apr. 22
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Papers 1825-1831
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Letter New York N.Y., to His Excellency, Richard Caswell esquire, 1787 Aug. 16
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Letter Fort Strother, Ala., to Majr Genl. Andrew Jackson, Washington D.C., 1815 Oct. 3
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Memorandum Washington, D.C., 1852 July 21
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United States of America, to all to whom these presents shall come, greeting whereas under the nineteenth article of the treaty entered unto at...
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Confidential suggestions as to how the treaty with the Pottowotamies may be made memorandum : to Hon. W. L. Marcy, Secy. of War and Hon. Wm. Medill,...
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Letter : Williamsburg, Va. to George Wythe, 1777 May 27
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Letter Washington, D.C., to George W. Campbell, Washington, D.C., 1817 Jan. 18
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Statement of Wm. Peters & J. Duch� 1757
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Letter : Baltimore, Md., to John Hancock, Philadelphia, Pa., 1777 Jan. 4
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New York (State) treaties with the Oneida Nation [box 01], 1788-1811
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New York (State) treaties with the Oneida Nation [box 06], 1788-1811
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New York (State) treaties with the Oneida Nation [box 05], 1788-1811
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New York (State) treaties with the Oneida Nation [box 02], 1788-1811
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Sir William Johnson letters, 1755-1773
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New York (State) treaties with the Oneida Nation [box 03], 1788-1811
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Treaty proceedings Easton, Pa., 1777 Jan. 30-Feb. 6
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