Ise Happy Night And Day
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Good Bye Nancy Jane
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Hannah Simpsons Wedding
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Jim Crow
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Good Bye, Sally Dear
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Good Morning Carrie!
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The Celebrated Ethiopian Melodies
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Going To See Brudder Gardner, My Little Mule & I
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Christys Minstrels Popular Songs for the Piano-Forte
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Ive Mortgaged That Old Cabin In The Lane
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In the Morning by the Bright Light
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Ise left de Ole Plantatins
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Ise Gwine to Mourn no More
play button
1. The Old Homestead. 2. The Old Plantations Lonely 3. Uncle Joe, or the Cabin by the Stream.
play button
Four Little Curly Headed Coons
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New Negro Songs
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The 3 Last Hits in Plantation Songs
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Dem Golden Slippers
play button
Flo Green My Little Yaller Queen
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Darkies Cake Walk for Banjo
play button
The Banjo Now Hangs Silent On The Door
play button
The Banjo
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Chole Danse Africaine
play button
The Banjo
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Commence Ye Darkies All
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