George Turnbull letter and passport, Fort Michilimackinac, Michigan, 1770 & 1771
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Relation du Sieur de la Motte Cadillac capitaine en pied aiant une compagnie de la marine en Canada, cy devant commandant de Missilimakinak et autres...
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G. Etherington letters, 1763
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Plan de Missilimakinak avec la description de la route du Missisipi ; Idée de la situation du fort de Chambly, et des ses environs ; Idée du fort...
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Order to Capt. Charles Langlade Michilimackinac, 1780
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Order to Capt. Langlade to assist in the capture of St. Louis from the Spaniards Michilimackinac, 1780
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Licenses Fort Michilimackinac, Mich, to all whom it may concern, 1802-1804
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Order Michilimackinac, Mich., to Monsieur L'anglade i.e. Langlade, 1761 Sep. 30
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License Fort Michilimackinac Mich., to all whom it may concern, 1804 June 25
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Letter Montreal, to Monsr. L'anglade, 1763 July 17
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Orders 1778 Oct. 26
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Instructions to Capt. Howard of his Majesty's Seventeenth Regiment of Foot orders, 1764 Aug. 31
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License Fort Michilimackinac Mich., to all whom it may conscern, 1803 June 1
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